Stanford University Press


2020 Dreams, By Maja Gutman Mušič and Kelly Bulkeley, with Sheldon Juncker, Dan Kennedy, Gez Quinn, and Jennifer Marie Lane

The following documents the original digital publication 2020 Dreams: Toward a New Understanding of the Dreaming-Waking Continuum by Maja Gutman Mušič and Kelly Bulkeley, with Sheldon Juncker, Dan Kennedy, Gez Quinn, and Jennifer Marie Lane (Stanford University Press, 2023). DOI: 10.21627/20232d ISBN: 9781503629165

Download video transcript.


2020 Dreams: Toward a New Understanding of the Dreaming-Waking Continuum is an interactive digital project that illuminates the dramatic and epochal events in the year of 2020, as witnessed from the vantage of collective dreaming and shared global news.

Using innovative tools of digital analysis, 2020 Dreams follows the 2000+ dreams of ten avid dreamers and interweaves the data presented in their journals with thousands of survey responses gathered over the course of the year and over 15,000 trusted news reports obtained through The Associated Press. As a result, the study examined more than 22 million comparisons between dreams and news articles to gain a deeper understanding of the semantic connections between waking experiences and dreams.

Integrating natural language processing tools and close human reading with data visualization, 2020 Dreams advances a new era of improved dream research methodology, and invites a wider range of people to participate in the field of dream analysis as they navigate their way through the digital dreamscape. The research is based on linguistic, philosophical, semiotic, and statistical frameworks, and it draws on recent advances in data science to demonstrate that dreams have meaningful psychological structures.

During the course of conceptualizing and writing this publication, the authors developed philosophical reflections on mass digitization and the rising phenomenon of human-machine interaction. Consequently, 2020 Dreams aims to provide a transdisciplinary research framework for future research in dream studies that work synergistically toward a complementary use of human and machine intelligence.

The project was originally published November 2023 at It is the fourteenth publication of Stanford University Press’s initiative for the publication of interactive scholarly works funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. A web archive of this project can be accessed via the Archive link on the project’s cover page at or downloaded from the Stanford Digital Repository collection at

Technical Requirements

At the time of publication, reading this project requires an internet connection and is best experienced via any active JavaScript-enabled browser. Current browsers at time of publication include Safari 16.6, Chrome 114, Firefox 115, Microsoft Edge 114, Opera 100, and other contemporary browsers. The interactive visualizations might perform better on a nonmobile, desktop-sized screen.

Technical Specifications

The published version of the project relies on the Scalar 2.6.6 platform run in a LAMP server environment running Cloudlinux 7.8 and PHP 8. Custom CSS styles, fonts, and scripts have been added to the root directory (filenames and pathway noted below).

To rebuild the Scalar publication, a user may import the project data file in the SDR collection to an empty Scalar 2.6.6 application. The additional custom files should be added to the root directory as indicated in the Technical Structure and Installation section, and the configurations also provided there should be applied in the Scalar dashboard.

User Experience

screenshot of project cover page
Figure 1

After clicking the Enter button on the cover page at (see fig. 1), the visitor will arrive at the Table of Contents (see fig. 2) and find seven main sections: Introduction, Continuities, Reflections, Methodology, Conclusions, Works Cited, and Appendices and Repositories.

screenshot of visual table of contents zoomed in to show only 'Introduction' and 'Continuities. The backgrounds of these section titles are a gate flanked by two golden trees, and a green-tinted hourglass, respectively
Figure 2

Each section is color-coded for clarity and features an opening image (see fig. 3). As the visitor progresses through sections, the images are replaced with their respective colors to indicate the reader's present position.

screenshot of visual table of contents zoomed out to show all section headings with their backgounds: 'Introduction' with a gate flanked by two golden trees; 'Continuities' with a green-tinted hourglass; 'Reflections' with a blue tinted shell that is also reflected in a pool of water it sits at the edge of; 'Methodology' with a magnifying glass showing in its lens red veins; 'Conclusions' with a purple tinted stormy sky; 'Works Cited' with two old fashioned silver pointed fountain pens; 'Appendices and Repositories' with black and white open treasure box
Figure 3

The research tests two main hypotheses: 1) dreams offer meaningful reflections of both personal concerns and broader collective realities, and have meaningful psychological structures; and 2) dreams actively respond to collective concerns and create adaptive ways, particularly in times of widespread crisis and mass trauma.

In addition to the central theme, 2020 Dreams intertwines computational intelligence with philosophical reflections on contemporary issues like mass digitization, artificial intelligence, and human-machine interaction. The project seeks to establish a transdisciplinary framework for future dream studies, leveraging both human and machine intelligence to explore the multimodal nature of dreams.

Project Architecture and Navigation

2020 Dreams offers two navigation approaches. The primary method, akin to traditional book navigation, follows a linear path (see fig. 4).

screenshot of the expandable table of contents, showing the first level contents in one pane, a second pane showing the subcontents for the main section 'Continuities,' and a third pane showing the sub-sub-contents for the subsection 'Dreamer Word Search Findings'
Figure 4

The reader can also click the eye icon in the upper left of any page to follow the sections clockwise, as seen in figure 5. These paths represent a suggested, unidirectional reading designed to lead the visitors according to the authors' proposed thread. The Table of Contents also demonstrates this method of reading.

screenshot of Introduction page with eye icon toggled on to show the radial contents menu. In this menu, the Introduction icon is highlighted in gold while the other section icons are black and white
Figure 5

The second method, multidirectional, allows for modular exploration, enabling visitors to visually investigate the dense network of relationships, visualizations, empirical results, and tagging systems. There are several options for visual exploration. For example, the visitor can explore the structure of the monograph using radial visualization by clicking the compass icon in the upper left and selecting options from the Visualizations menu (see figs. 6 and 7).

screenshot of the Scalar dropdown offering options for 'Recent,' 'Lenses,' 'Visualizations,' and 'Scalar.' Visualizations is selected so that a second pane appears to the right showing options for 'Current,' 'Connections, 'Radial,' 'Path,' 'Tag,' and 'Word Cloud'
Figure 6

screenshot of radial connection graph shwoing relationship between part of the project
Figure 7

The visitor will soon notice that the deeper exploration of themes, particularly data visualization, requires more accurate spatial orientation. To address the navigation complexity with optimal efficiency, we have developed a map that illustrates the project's primary sections along with their respective chapters or pages (see left side of figure 8).

screenshot of Introduction page with eye icon toggled on to show the radial contents menu. In this menu, the Introduction icon is highlighted in gold whole the other section icons are black and white
Figure 8

The Content

The project examines the events of 2020 through thousands of dreams and news reports. It analyzes semantic similarities by evaluating over 25 million comparisons between dream and news texts. There are several approaches to examining these connections. The authors define them as Continuities (see fig. 9) as they represent the backbone of the project's empirical component.

screenshot of Continuities page with eye icon toggled on to show the radial contents menu. In this menu, the Continuities icon is highlighted in green while the other section icons are black and white
Figure 9

The best way to explore the results is by using multilinear navigational paths and interactive data visualizations. For example, the visitor might want to start with the Introduction to the Results section, where they can explore a top-down view of semantic similarities simply by clicking on any color-coded bubble that represents the dreamer (see fig. 10). The visitor can explore these semantic correlations on a group or individual level. In addition, the chart allows them to explore and compare how the time difference between the occurred dream and the published news affected the semantic similarity.

graph with vertical axis labeled 'Similarity' and horizontal access labeled with date incerements ranging from -360 tp +360 days. The field contains many overlapping bubbles of different colors and sizes. Below the graph are check boxes to deselct certain bubbles associated with particular names of dreamers. All are selected
Figure 10

For instance, the selected dream-news pair in Figure 11 indicates that Bob had pandemic-related dreams 51 days before the news article addressed the same topic. The curious reader can closely examine the dream's content on the left side and compare it to the news on the right by clicking on any bubble in the chart.

the same bubble graph as above but this time with overlay where a bubble has been selsected. The overlay contains names of categories and below is a side-by-side comparison of dream journal text and news summary
Figure 11

Dreamer Word Search Findings provides another way to explore the dream content of individual dreamers. In the radar charts, the visitor can explore to what degree the individual dreams differ from the statistical baselines (see fig. 12). The baselines are pre-calculated statistical values based on Bulkelely's pioneering research on the Sleep and Dream database (available at the time of this publication at The radar charts were developed for eight categories commonly appearing in dreams, such as perception, emotion, characters, cognition, and so on. The visitor can compare female and male baselines to any of the ten dreamers by navigating through radar charts.

eight individual radar charts, each for a different topic with the following labels: perception, emotion, characters, social interactions, movement, cognition, culture, and elements. At the top male baseline and female baseline are selected; the individual dreamers are unselected
Figure 12

The reader can also learn about the authors' analysis, which utilized a close reading technique. The findings are discussed in the Dreamer Correlations chapters (see fig. 13). The authors studied a representative sample of individual dreams using a close reading or human reading method. Their perspectives have been influenced by their backgrounds in theoretical psychoanalysis, anthropology, psychology of religion, cultural studies, sociology, and media studies.

screenshot of the Dreamer Correlations page
Figure 13

Main Findings Using the Explicit Semantic Analysis Method

The first chart represents the monthly and weekly distribution of dream-news pairs according to semantic similarity (see fig. 14). One of the most intriguing observations can be seen in the October dreams vs. April news bubble, which shows a relatively high degree of similarity, irrespective of the fact that the dreams and the news were six months apart.

a graph with vertical axis labeled 'Similarity' and horizontal axid labeled 'Dream-news time difference.' At each horizontal interval of time is a vertical stack of dots. At the top 'months' is selected and 'weeks' is deselected
Figure 14

The weekly distribution of dream-news correlation reveals a moderate and steady increase in semantic similarity over time (see fig. 15). By clicking each column, the visitor can examine selected samples of high, indicative, low, and indiscernible semantic similarity between dreams and news.

a graph with vertical axis labeled 'Similarity' and horizontal axid labeled 'Dream-news time difference.' At each horizontal interval of time is a bar. The horizontal increments indicate weeks
Figure 15

The next chart represents the monthly distribution of four semantic similarity categories (see fig. 16). The highest average similarity scores can be observed in March, April, and May, the most significant months that marked the beginning of the pandemic breakout in the United States.

a graph with vertical axis labeled 'Similarity' and horizontal axis labeled 'Months of 2020.' At each monthy increment is a bar
Figure 16

The last chart, master visualization, represents a macro view of dreams and news reports similarities for each day of the year (see fig. 17). The daily number of dream-news comparisons is utilized for calculating the average daily similarity values. Here is the principal finding of the study: based on the available data, the modest but constant growth of the curve may imply that the semantic similarity between dream reports and news becomes more pronounced over time.

a graph with vertical axis labeled 'Similarity' and horizontal axis labeled 'Dream-news difference.' Each horizontal increment is labeled with a 10-day increment from -170 days to +170 days
Figure 17


This section offers theoretical and philosophical frameworks on dreaming and waking reality, along with critical approaches to mediated and digital reality. The second part is dedicated to human-machine anthropology and the rise of digital technology while exploring the inseparable aspects of the human and machine (see fig. 18). The section also reflects on cognitive technologies and how they have dramatically extended and externalized human consciousness.

screenshot of Humans, Dreams, and Machines page
Figure 18


2020 Dreams is built on two methodological approaches. The first is dreamer word search (see fig. 19), derived from the Sleep and Dream Database, which allows users to choose among forty categories of words organized into eight classes of dream content, as demonstrated earlier in radar charts (see fig. 12).

screenshot of Dreamer Word Search page
Figure 19

The second part of the methodology is based on Explicit Semantic Analysis, originally developed by Gabrilovich and Markovich. For our study, we further adapted and developed their method. Explicit Semantic Analysis is a method of representing texts using a system of vectors, and a document corpus used as an explicit source of real world knowledge. The document corpus standardly used in this method is Wikipedia, which is a comprehensive and open-source repository of categorized world knowledge (see fig. 20).

screenshot of a media page showing the image titled Wikipedia Procesing Pipeline and its metadata
Figure 20

The method of analyzing textual similarity using explicit encyclopedic information has been shown to have higher accuracy than other NLP tools and was thus used to compare news articles and dream reports (see fig. 21).

screenshot of project page featuring an inline image which contains multiple sub-images, all graphic representations of data
Figure 21


The final section, Conclusions, consists of a general overview of results (see fig. 22). It also analyzes the rapid expansion of psychological digital repositories, which inevitably leads to data ownership and data management concerns. The final chapter of this section offers some insights into the future of dream research and science (see fig. 23).

screenshot of the Conclusions page
Figure 22

screenshot of the 'Future of Dream Research and Science' page containing only text
Figure 23

Works Cited

Theis section comprises a comprehensive list of references used in this project (see fig. 24).

screenshot of the Works Cited page
Figure 24

Appendices and Repositories

The Appendices and Repositories section includes the code repositories, datasets, and a glossary of main concepts used in the study (see fig. 25).

screenshot of the 'Appendices and Repositories' page
Figure 25

Technical Structure and Installation

The project is built within Scalar, a content management system that automatically generates URLs that match the author-defined page or media title. What appears in the address bar reflects this naming structure for the titles of those pages or objects. However, the content is not stored as separate html units but is compiled as an RDF-XML/JSON file. To deploy the project from the files in the SDR collection, first install Scalar ( on a LAMP server. Once you have installed Scalar on your server you may create a new book using the JSON file and additional customization files in the collection and the following Scalar Dashboard configurations:


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URI segment: 2d
Table of Contents:

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Continuities
  4. Reflections
  5. Methodology
  6. Conclusions
  7. Works Cited
  8. Appendices and Repositories
  9. Credit


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                  children: [],
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              children: [],
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              url: "",
              children: [],
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              url: "",
              children: [],
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              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Fine-Tuning and Reproducibility",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Defining the Ranges for Semantic Similarity",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
          title: "Demographic Surveys",
          url: "",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Survey 2",
              url: "",
              children: [],
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              children: [],
              title: "Survey 4",
              url: "",
              children: [],
      title: "Conclusions",
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      url: "",
      children: [
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          url: "",
          children: [
              title: "Proprietary Dreams?",
              url: "",
              children: [],
          title: "Amplified Experience of Immersive Technologies",
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          url: "",
          children: [
              title: "Dreams in Virtual Environments: Experimental Findings",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
          title: "The Future of Dream Research and Science",
          titleLine1: "The Future of Dream",
          titleLine2: "Research and Science",
          url: "",
          children: [],
          title: "Acknowledgements",
          url: "",
          children: [],
      title: "Works Cited",
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      url: "",
      children: [],
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      url: "",
      children: [
          title: "Glossary of Concepts and Terms",
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          url: "",
          children: [
              title: "Archetype",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Big Dream",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Bricolage",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Collective Unconscious",
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              titleLine2: "Unconscious",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Compensation Theory of Dreaming",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Continuity Hypothesis",
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              titleLine2: "Hypothesis",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Dream Content Analysis",
              titleLine1: "Dream",
              titleLine2: "Content Analysis",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Human-Machine Systems",
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              titleLine2: "Systems",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Immersiveness, Immersion",
              titleLine1: "Immersiveness,",
              titleLine2: "Immersion",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Mediated Reality, Media Representations",
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              titleLine2: "Reality, Media",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "The Threat Simulation Hypothesis",
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              titleLine2: "Simulation",
              titleLine3: "Hypothesis",
              url: "",
              children: [],
              title: "Unconscious Mind",
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              url: "",
              children: [],
          title: "Code Repositories and Datasets",
          url: "",
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Scope: Book
Publisher: Stanford University Press
Publisher logo: [blank]

The database structure is defined by the open-source Scalar platform, and the scripts that render the content draw it from the RDF data contained in the SDR collection’s “Scalar Export.” This data constitutes the content and relationships between 134 unique URL pages and 102 URLs associated with media, including static images and data files.

To finish reconstructing the project after configuring the Scalar installation as noted above, you would need to download the following files (names in bold) from the SDR collection and place them in the appropriate directories, some of which would need to be created in the public_html (~) folder on the server, indicated below:

~/2d/media/[extract media.tar folder so all files sit directly in this single media directory; the 2d directory will already exist if you have created a new book using the configuration above]

To ensure media are loaded and matched to the new project URL, first copy the “media” folder contents into the empty “media” directory in the new book’s server environment as indicated above. Next, use the following scripts in the new book’s database in phpMyAdmin:

1.	SET @book_id = <the new book ID integer, found by looking for the book_id field in the HTML of any page>;
2.	SET @old_url = "";
3.	SET @new_url = "http://url/of/the/new/book";
4.	--
6.	scalar_db_versions
8.	scalar_db_content ON scalar_db_versions.content_id = scalar_db_content.content_id AND scalar_db_content.book_id = @book_id
9.	SET
10.	scalar_db_versions.url = REPLACE(scalar_db_versions.url, @old_url, @new_url),
11.	scalar_db_versions.content = REPLACE(scalar_db_versions.content, @old_url, @new_url);
12.	--
14.	scalar_db_content
15.	SET
16.	scalar_db_content.background = REPLACE(scalar_db_content.background, @old_url, @new_url),
17.	scalar_db_content.banner = REPLACE(scalar_db_content.banner, @old_url, @new_url),
18.	scalar_db_content.thumbnail = REPLACE(scalar_db_content.thumbnail, @old_url, @new_url)
20.	scalar_db_content.book_id = @book_id;


Authors: Maja Gutman Mušič and Kelly Bulkeley, with Sheldon Juncker, Daniel Kennedy, Gez Quinn, and Jennifer Marie Lane


INTRODUCTION: 5. How to Navigate the Project Conceptualizing / Writing.
INTRODUCTION: 4. The Four Hypotheses Cowritten with KB
CONTINUITIES: 1. Introduction to the Results; 2,199 Dream Reports (cowritten with Sheldon Juncker); Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONTINUITIES: 3. The News Reports (The Associated Press); The Role of Associated Press; A Note on Objective Reporting Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONTINUITIES: 6. Dreamer Correlations: Ana; Bob; Edward; Freya; Mary; Melvin; Phoenix; Rose; Tita; Vera Cowritten with KB
CONTINUITIES: 7. Explicit Semantic Analysis Findings Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONTINUITIES: 7. Explicit Semantic Analysis Findings: Visualization 1; Visualization 2; Visualization 3; Visualization 4; Summary of Initial Findings and Further Research Cowritten with KB, SJ and DK / Conceptualization of Visualization 2 and Visualization 3 -- the Bar Charts (Weekly, Monthly)
CONTINUITIES: 9. Dream Reports from the Surveys KB and MGM
REFLECTIONS: 1. Theoretical Foundations: Oneiric Realities; The Permeable Boundaries: Dreaming and Waking Reality; Mediated Realities; A Note on Critical Theory and Media Effects; News as Stories, Dreams as Bricolage Conceptualizing / Writing.
REFLECTIONS: 2. Humans, Dreams, and Machines: Why Study Dreams?; How are Dreams Different from Cultural Data?; Fundamentally Human: Patterns and Narratives; Saussurean Model of the Sign; Semantic Relatedness; Contextuality and Reasoning; Language and the Construction of Reality; Human-Machine Systems and Symbiotic Reasoning; Sticks, Stones, Machines, and Simulations; A Word about the Structure; Two Disciplines of Thinking Conceptualizing / Writing.
METHODOLOGY: Explicit Semantic Analysis -- 1. A Real World Example Conceptualizing
METHODOLOGY: Explicit Semantic Analysis -- 2. The Wikipedia Corpus; 3. The Input Texts; 4. Validation and Results; 5. Fine-Tuning and Reproducibility Editing / supervising; developed the cross-comparison principle on the conceptual level, the rest was codeveloped by SJ.
METHODOLOGY: Explicit Semantic Analysis -- 6. Defining the ranges for semantic similarity Conceptualizing / Cowritten with SJ.
CONCLUSIONS: 1. Overview of Final Results Cowritten with KB
CONCLUSIONS: 2. The Mindful Approach to Dream Data; Proprietary Dreams?; 3. Amplified Experience of Immersive Technologies; Dreams in Virtual Environments: Experimental Findings; 4. The Future of Dream Research and Science Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONCLUSIONS: 3. Amplified Experience of Immersive Technologies; Dreams in Virtual Environments: Experimental Findings Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONCLUSIONS: 4. The Future of Dream Research and Science Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONCLUSIONS: 5. Acknowledgements Cowritten with KB
WORKS CITED Literature selection, Compiling.
APPENDICES AND REPOSITORIES; 2. Glossary of Concepts and Terms Writing
SPATIAL NAVIGATION AND STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT Map conceptualization, overall project spatial architecture
ASSOCIATED PRESS Data acquisition
OVERALL PROJECT REVISION Response to reviewers, manuscript revisions


INTRODUCTION: 1. Origins of the Project; 2. The Participants; 3. Limits of the Project Conceptualizing / Writing.
INTRODUCTION: 4. The Four Hypotheses Cowritten with MGM.
CONTINUITIES: 2. The Individual Dream Journals; Who are the Dreamers?; Ana; Bob; Edward; Freya; Mary; Melvin; Phoenix; Rose; Tita; Vera Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONTINUITIES: 5. Dreamer Word Search Findings -- Ana; Bob; Edward; Freya; Mary; Melvin; Phoenix; Rose; Tita; Vera Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONTINUITIES: 6. Dreamer Correlations -- Ana; Bob; Edward; Freya; Mary; Melvin; Phoenix; Rose; Tita; Vera Cowritten with MGM.
CONTINUITIES: 8. Demographic Surveys (Surveys 1-4) Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONTINUITIES: 9. Dream Reports from the Surveys KB and MGM.
CONTINUITIES: Visualization 1; Visualization 2; Visualization 3; Visualization 4; Summary of Initial Findings and Further Research Cowritten with MGM, SJ, and DK.
METHODOLOGY: 1. Dreamer Word Search Conceptualizing / Writing.
METHODOLOGY: 3. Demographic Surveys; Survey 1: The Beginning of the Pandemic; Survey 2: One Month into the Pandemic; Survey 3: Racial Justice Protests; Survey 4: The US Presidential Election Conceptualizing / Writing.
CONCLUSIONS: 5. Acknowledgements Cowritten with MGM.
STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT Overall project spatial architecture.
OVERALL PROJECT REVISION Response to reviewers, manuscript revisions.


CONTINUITIES: 1. Introduction to the Results Conceptualization of Data Visualization with DK and GQ.
CONTINUITIES: 1. 2,199 Dream Reports Cowritten with MGM.
CONTINUITIES: The News Reports (The Associated Press) Editing / Data processing / Statistics
CONTINUITIES: Explicit Semantic Analysis Findings Cowritten with MGM, KB, SJ, and DK / Conceptualization of Visualization with DK and GQ.
CONTINUITIES: Explicit Semantic Analysis Findings -- Visualization 1, Visualization 2, Visualization 3 Performing data processing and statistics / Conceptualization of data visualization with DK, GQ, MGM (MGM only on viz 2 and 3); viz 1 and 5 designed by SJ, DK, and GQ.
CONTINUITIES: Explicit Semantic Analysis Findings -- Visualization 4 Data processing / Statistics; Data viz with DK, GQ. Concept and text with KB, MGM, and DK.
CONTINUITIES: Explicit Semantic Analysis Findings -- Summary of Initial Findings and Further Research Conceptualized and written with KB, MGM, and DK.
METHODOLOGY: Explicit Semantic Analysis -- 1. A Real World Example; 2. The Wikipedia Corpus; 3. The Input Texts; 4. Validation and Results; 5. Fine-Tuning and Reproducibility Writer; Conceptualized with MGM and DK.
METHODOLOGY: Explicit Semantic Analysis -- 6. Defining the Ranges for Semantic Similarity Cowritten with MGM.
APPENDICES & REPOSITORIES: Code Repositories and Datasets Writer.
EXPLICIT SEMANTIC ANALYSIS IMPLEMENTATION Conceptualization / Code writing / Data analysis.
DREAM REPORTS AND SURVEYS Data collection / Data processing.
NEWS REPORTS Data processing / Statistics.
CHARTS / STATISTICS Conceptualization with DK and GQ.
PROJECT METHODOLOGY - EXPLICIT SEMANTIC ANALYSIS Adaptation and further development of ESA: ESA methodology was used to conduct a cross-comparison of news articles and dream reports. Due to the fact that both data streams (news articles and dream reports) had specific quality and quantity requirements, the ESA tool had to be modified. The modification of the tool was conducted by Sheldon Juncker, Daniel Kennedy and Gez Quinn.
PROJECT STRUCTURE AND WRITING Provided general feedback with DK and GQ on the following sections: Introduction, Continuities, Methodology and Overview of Final Results.


All pages with charts / graphs Programming and design for charts. Ideation for which aspects of the data to visualize and how, as well as feedback on how to interpret the results.


2020 Calendar Programming / Design
General final look and feel of pages Design
Conceptualization of the cover; Customization of Contents page and bubble-nav Programming / Design
Creation of digital figures: Cross Comparison Model, Wikipedia Processing Pipeline, ESA Tool Diagram Creating / Design
Collation and centralization of dream/news data into a shareable format Methodology Implementation
ESA Methodology Consultation
Uploading of pages and feedback on project navigation  
General feedback and editing  


Data gathering from seven of the dream journal keepers; managing their process from late 2019 until the present; taking notes during interviews, gathering biographical data, summarizing large collections of information.  

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